Throughout the history of fashion handbags in the past century, 16 fashion handbags and bags have been considered as the most classic handbags and bags in 2015. For this, Shenzhen handbag factory Chuangxing leather products will introduce it to you.
Chanel 2.55 in February 1955, Miss Chanel designed this small handbag that liberated her hands, announcing her longing for freedom. The diamond pattern and gold chain of 2.55 have become the classic elements of Chanel for a long time.
Herm è s Birkin the name of Birkin comes from British actress Jane Birkin. Once she was on the same plane with herm è s boss. She described to him what her practical and fashionable handbag looked like. In 1984, Bo Jinbao was born and has been invincible since then.
Herm è s Kelly bag was originally called "courtrie". Because Grace Kelly, Princess Kate of Monaco, loved it, she often used it to cover her belly to avoid paparazzi cameras when she was pregnant. The image spread all over the world, so it was renamed Kelly bag.
C é line trap è Ze was born in 2008, and its inventor was Pheobe Philo, who had just taken over the stick of C é line trap è Ze's design director at that time. This bag has a unique shape, pure lines, and provides a variety of color combinations. The "bat wings" on both sides can be restored into a square bag. It has complete functions, so it is very popular.